Poplar - Year 6
Welcome to Poplar - Year 6!
Year 6 have made a great start to the year and settled in well.
It looks like we had an invasion last week - I'm sure you were told about the mysterious lily pads strewn all over the classroom!
The children have enjoyed reading the book, 'Tuesday' as part of our English work and discovering all about the rather magical lily pads that fly, or is it the toads that fly?
Welcome Back!
It was lovely to welcome so many of you back into 6H and 6P - it really is exciting. We're looking forward to a good few weeks and grateful for the time we now have.
Your latest news!
Here we are at half term. As you know we are not setting any home learning for half term as it is a holiday from school. As a Bank Holiday weekend we hope that you are able to do something special and enjoy the weather whilst still maintaining the social distancing guidelines.
What fantastic quality work we have seen this week in the emails which you have sent in!
Jenna's Stomp composition is fantastic; I have forwarded it to Mrs Mo who I know will be really pleased to listen to it and enjoy it.
Several of you have enjoyed making the blood and finding out about its components.
Fin and Alice have both done careful research on the wives of Henry VIII and have presented it on a poster.
Alice has also used all her Nature Library and How the camel got its hump learning to give the scientific detail of a new species of bug which was discovered in the Amazon rainforest - the Lily bug.
And for dessert - a most appetising trio of puddings from Alexa who has been very busy discovering and creating new recipes.
Thank you all for sending us emails to show us what you have been doing.
We hope to see you before too long.
Take care and have a lovely half term break.
Mrs Lumsden and Mrs Hemmens
Year 6 Home Learning – Summer Term Week 5
week beginning 18/05/20
A big ‘Hello’ from us both.
We hope that you and your families are all well and managing a routine that works for everyone and one that includes enjoying the outdoors for different activities and for exercise. Amazing but here we are already with just one week to go before half term. At the moment as you will know the school are working very hard to implement the government guidelines for going back to school for year 6 so that everyone is safe.
You have been working hard this half term on your home learning. We have really appreciated seeing and hearing all that you have been doing. Thank you for taking the time to send messages and pictures to us.
Joseph carried out the 'Break a flake' investigation and recorded his results very scientifically. There were some very resilient bran flakes!
Alice has also carried out an investigation, looking at the nutritional content in some different breakfast cereals. Interesting results!
Francesca has investigated some old wives tales and isn't convinced that many of them are based on fact but is sure that some are. Well done.
Thomas has been really busy writing stories and poems.
We loved seeing a picture of Nathan Deans' new hamster alongside the poem he had written about it. The hamster is so cute.
"The Book of Hopes"
Have a look at my video to find out about this fantastic project!
When you've done that, then click on the link below. I hope you enjoy it greatly and are filled with hope!
It's been so good seeing the learning coming through this week, I'm particularly excited by the model hearts - hope you had fun!
We hope you all had a good and memorable VE Day; Bethany's created an excellent VE Day diorama - the spitfire is incredible. Polly has been painting pebbles and Francesca's written a diary. Dylan has written the responses of different people in his family.
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/1d41e8100f3f4595950eaf0fecef905c/img_6145_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
Break a flake!
I have just been sent details of a physics investigation which I thought you might like to try as it is all about the breaking strength of cornflakes! Something which you can test at home to see if the size affects the breaking strength.
It is from the National Physics Laboratory (NPL) and is called Break a Flake. Click on this phrase to make the link to the web site.
Have fun and let me know what you discover.
Year 6 Home Learning – Summer Term Week 4, week beginning 11/05/20
Here we have our fourth set of learning guidelines for the summer term. We hope that you are finding them useful. We are trying to give you opportunities to enjoy learning from some of the topics which we would be doing if we were together in class and also to keep fresh in your minds some of the Maths and English work ready for moving to secondary school.
Take care of yourselves,
Mrs Lumsden and Mrs Hemmens :)
Feedback for the week, 04/05/20
We love opening up the emails and attachments you send and then having the chance to look through your learning - Sam's been busy writing some brilliant additional chapters to his Artemis Fowl book as well as creating in the kitchen, the art studio and the garden!
Joseph has been inspired by the Stomp music and been very creative with a mouse!
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/584ae81e82e24938b21462bd639b81aa/video_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
Year 6 Home Learning – Summer Term Week 3, week beginning 04/05/20
How are you all? We are both keeping busy, preparing your work, going in to school and planning new things. Like you we also enjoy our time for exercise and being in the garden. Don’t forget to keep sending us pictures of what you have been doing so that we feel that we are keeping in touch.
Next week is of course special because Friday 8th May is VE day. If we were not in the middle of lockdown we would have joined the celebrations for that in school. You will see we have put a couple of ideas in our home learning for you to try at home, so that you can have your own VE day celebrations.
See the PDF below for Summer Term Week 3’s Home Learning.
Do look all the way down through the subjects, we know that it’s hard sometimes to complete it all, and we fully appreciate things are different at home. Have a go at the English and the maths and then look through all the different subjects (right through to the RE at the end) and see if you can manage some of the others as well; I’m going to add to the Heart Science later in the week.
This week's Worship at Home is all about Joy - do take a look.
Extra VE day video resources
Another good resource, from BBC Teach, for finding out about the World War II and VE Day can be found by clicking on the phrase in red.
Extra Maths Resources
The Herts Maths advisors have put several Maths games on their YouTube channel which would be interesting to take a look at. They don't need many resources and the family could play together. 'Crooked Rules' and 'Digit Displacement' would be good to try. The other games could be suitable for younger children in your family.
In case you need it here is a link for getting some graph or squared paper.
Feedback from you this week...
Casey has been incredibly creative making a brilliant table tennis table as well as planting out and looking after his vegetable patch - your rhubarb's looking good Casey! He's also produced a woolly mammoth project.
Francesca has written a lovely prayer to accompany her sunflower seed - thank you.
Polly's been doing some great writing - have a read of her description of water and her science healthy eating.
Always so lovely to see what you have been doing at home and to keep in touch with you. Thank you for sending the pictures to us.
We would like to share with you a prayer and sunflower painting which Joseph has done.
Alice has been quite a detective in finding out lots of details about the Tudors from her family. I didn't know the Tudors had a letter relating to their crimes printed on their foreheads. Some people must have had interesting foreheads!
Year 6 Learning - Summer Term Week 2
Week beginning 27/04/20
We have been so pleased to receive the pictures of all the work, projects and creative ideas which you have been doing at home in response to our suggestions for home learning. Well done!
If you haven't looked already, please go to the 'Worship at Home' section on our curriculum page, this week's worship is all about Hope.
Please look at the PDF document below to find all the learning for this week - English, Maths, lots of Science and other activities for you. Enjoy!
Look at what you've been up to!
It's so lovely for us to open up the class email and read all that you've been up to! We thought we'd share some of your work so you can see what each other's been doing. Well done Year 6!
Alice's sunflowers are growing well, the tallest is about 25cm, almost ready to plant outside. Like Thomas, she's had a go at painting another canvas - it's beautiful. We've also included her cheetah project - she's very brave getting that close to a cheetah! ;)
Bethany's been busy travelling around the world (virtually of course!), and has been researching different countries and stamping her passport. She's also decorated the pavement outside her house.
It looks like Joseph's been working incredibly hard: he's researched a cheetah and has very carefully made a clay sculpture and painted it realistically. We also like his graph comparing the different ingredients in his cereals.
Polly has been writing a weekly letter to a care home, I'm sure they look forward to her news, such a lovely thing to do! Her sunflower seeds are also doing well.
Dylan has been out running and has really brought down his times! He has also been writing about the things which he misses about school.
Charlie and Alice have worked really hard asking people about the Tudors and creating a wonderful mind map each. Charlie's also been enjoying lots of long walks.
MB's also been very productive and as well as the home learning has created some beautiful Easter craft.
Well we definitely miss you all and enjoy reading about what you have been doing and seeing your work at home. Such great ideas and use of your imagination. Well done.
Keep up the good work everyone :)
Year 6 Home Learning – Summer term Week 1,
week beginning 20/04/20
Here are our suggestions for home learning for the beginning of what would have been our summer term.
The guidance in the table is in addition to our previous week’s suggestions. We are now going to include ideas which cover some of the work we would be moving on to in class this term.
English |
We’re going to base our English learning on the novel, ‘The Explorer’; you may want to ensure that you’re keeping up with the videos in order to fully complete the tasks below. Do ask your parents for the links to the videos on my unlisted You Tube channel; I’m loving reading it to you – it’s such an exciting and stimulating book, I do hope you’re enjoying it. I can imagine us sharing it together in the classroom and having the best discussions about it!
Task 1 What does the title, ‘The Explorer’ make you think about? Don’t be bound by the book, think of other links and connections, write them down.
What important things do we need in order to survive? Write your own survival list and share it with someone in your family explaining why you chose what you did!
Task 2 Let’s recap what genre means (look it up if you can’t remember). For each different genre below, write down a definition and then an example of a book you’ve read that fits within that genre.
FANTASY, AUTOBIOGRAPHY, HORROR, ADVENTURE, COMEDY…can you think of others? Where would you put, ‘The Explorer’; why? Write down a few sentences in order to explain. Are there books other people in your family have read that they can say something about and you can decide which genre they fit into? Remember the key features of each genre.
Task 3 The others were asleep, sprawled on their stomachs in the warmth of the den. He scrambled out of the shelter and ran down to the river where he’d stacked the wood. The sun was hot and the air was clear; his skin had already burnt a furious red, but he barely felt it as he knelt by the pile of branches. He looped each of the branches together with lianas, working a figure of eight, tying them so many times over that the raft was deep green, every inch embroidered with vines. Fred worked fast, biting down on his wrist and swearing as quietly as he could when he drove a thorn into his thumb. He made four squares, each about six foot by six foot. Then he stacked them into two thicker squares, and tied the two squares together, tugging the knots tight with his teeth. ‘Yuck,’ He spat out a beetle. (p75-76)
Task 4 Taking what you know of the story, the setting, the characters, design a front cover for the novel, ‘The Explorer’.
Task 5 Think about of the four different characters – Fred, Lila, Con and Max. Divide a piece of paper into four quarters, write their names in each quarter and then write as many words and phrases as you can to describe the characters. Think about their physical appearance, their behaviour, personalities, what we know of their family backgrounds – you may want to take it further and think about why they might respond in certain ways, what are the clues?
Additional task Katherine Rundell uses many similes, personification, metaphors, alliteration and well-chosen vocabulary to help describe her setting, for example,
“The fire seemed to breathe in and then exhaled a cough of flames.” “He’d never seen his father dressed in anything other than a suit, and over time the suit seemed to have seeped into his father’s skin. His voice practically wore a tie.” “It was speckled brown and black, patchworked to match the jungle floor, and its head was a big as a fist.”
Write a description of an outside setting (it could be your garden, a river, a park, wherever you want it to be) using Rundell’s style of writing, ensure you use a range of similes, personification, metaphors, alliteration and well-chosen vocabulary. Write it in third person so that you are not part of the description, do email them to me if you want!
Reading – please do continue with your own reading and enjoy curling up with a good book, reading it quietly or out loud. Send me an email and let me know what you’re reading!
Mathematics |
TTRS – Keep practising the times tables to keep up to speed. Challenge other children in your class.
CGP Big Book – I am continuing to choose a couple of sections at a time to keep skills ‘on the boil’. Standard - Make sure you have completed all the previously set pages. New work for this week: Angle Rules and 3D shape p68-75
Stretch - Make sure you have completed all the previously set pages. New work for this week: Angle Rules and 3D shape p68-75
10 Minute Test Book I did suggest trying to do 2 of these each week; so this week you should be doing Set B Test 5 and Set B Arithmetic test. Don’t forget the puzzle task, The Mythical Maze would also be good to do.
Web sites which you may find useful and Other Maths activities are on the first Home Learning post.
Easter maths problems from HfL The guidance sheet for this is on our curriculum page.
White Rose Home Learning Maths lessons. I am hoping that you did have a go at these lessons before the holiday when you had a time on the ipad or lap top. White Rose have put a lesson online per day for each year group. The activity questions are good to do – they start off easy and get a little harder. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/ Start the Summer Term lessons Week 1 and Week 2. They revise the angle work and so tie in with the work I have set from the Big Books. 3D shape Something to do away from the computer/ipad. You have previously learned about 3D shapes, their names and their properties. These are some things which you can do to revise that learning and to make sure that it is in your long term memories. It is important to be clear which are 2D (‘flat’) and which are 3D shapes
Craft link: Make as many nets as you can for different 3D shapes, stick them together and hang them to make a mobile. We would love to see pictures of these.
Science Healthy Life styles |
Our new science topic for this term is ‘Healthy Lifestyles’. It will cover healthy eating, good mental health and a focus on making healthy choices. Do you remember the Life bus session we had?
As an activity to start this topic which you can do without the ipad and lap top I would like you to go to the kitchen cupboards, pantry, larder, store cupboard (with parent’s permission or they may get annoyed if you make a mess!). Take a few food packets or tins, put them on the table and study the labelling and packaging. Try to answer these questions, you may need to talk with others to find out some answers :
Now in preparation for next week find out what these things are:
Science – The Heart |
We’ll be learning all about the heart and blood in this topic. Before we start, a bit of quick revision – can you think of and name other systems in your body? (you will have studied some of them in earlier years)
Now normally I would be taking you out on the playground to act out the role of blood, unfortunately that’s not possible, so I’m going to do my best on here! Imagine your heart is like a foot pump at the centre of a figure of 8 – your heart’s job is to pump the blood around the body and to and from the lungs.
For next week, see if you can use the diagram (I've attached it as a document) and – Label the different parts of the system, adding arrows to the blood vessels to show the direction the blood travels. Can you find out what happens to the blood in the lungs? What happens to the blood in the body?
We’ll have a look at all this next week! |
Science and RE - Sunflowers |
Sunflower - Which will grow the tallest? I am really excited about my sunflowers, next time that I do a video I will show you how big they are. I’m going to start measuring them now and collect data for graphs later on. Can you do the same? Let me know how yours is growing. Just to remind you:
RE- Prayers
As sunflowers grow and their flowers follow the sun; they face the sun. As we grow the parallel is made that we should face and follow God. Sunflowers make a good focus for paintings and drawings which surround a prayer. (We've put some examples on an attachment)
Can you write a prayer of hope and encouragement for people at this time and then illustrate it with drawings or paintings of sunflowers? We can then put them on our web site.
Topic – Off With Your Head! |
Can you guess what the history topic is for this term? Yes, The Tudors. Now in preparation for this learning I would like you to do some interviewing of different family members and friends who you might be in contact with. The more varying the ages the better! The aim is to find out what people know about The Tudors. Before you interview anyone you will need to make up some questions to ask. They will need to be open questions so you don’t tell the people too much. Make a big mind map of the information that you find out. You could try questions like:
It would be good to see what you have found out. Do save your mind map; we will add to it with various other bits of Tudor work over the next few weeks. It can be like your home Topic folder. |
French |
Language Angels – Do try to keep up your French . Use the Language Angels site for some activities and games. Some will be of topics which you did in year 5. There are also some for topics which we haven’t yet done in year 6.
BBC Bitesize KS2 – There are several French clips which will reinforce and extend the children’s language learning - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z39d7ty
French Recipes – Can you work out what this recipe asks you to do? (See the recipe on the attachment) |
PE/Games |
Fitter Future – Each child has an individual log to use which gives access to exercise routines which may be all the family can join in.
Herts and Ware Partnership link. You will definitely enjoy the ideas on this link. https://sites.google.com/view/hwsspc19/home
Since lockdown Mrs Hemmens has been skipping in her back garden – why don’t you ‘join’ me?! I’m using some music to help motivate me, there are many Jump Rope albums, including one for kids. I then just skip - varying the speed and types of skipping I do. Skipping is a great way of getting your heart pumping faster (we’ll be learning why that’s important in our science as well) and keeping you fit or increasing your levels of fitness. Give it a go and why not send me some photos – I might even send you one of me!
RE |
Reflection on the Christian values This month’s school Christian value is Hope. Have a think of all the Christian values, see which ones come to memory first, write them in a list.
When you can’t think of any more, have a look on the page of our website https://www.hertingfordbury.herts.sch.uk/christian-values/
Spend some time reflecting on each Christian value and then write a short reflection to express whilst being at Hertingfordbury which value means the most to you and why – can you think of specific examples of when you saw that value being shown and how it affected you.
We won’t be putting any learning on over the next couple of weeks, this would actually be your Easter Holiday!
We wish you and your families a very Happy Easter – may you know the peace and love that Easter brings.
Some super things are happening in year 6!
MB is working incredibly hard and enjoying drawing the jungle from 'The Explorer' story. Fin has been taking a beautiful photo of a daffodil and then sketching it.
Thomas used the skills learnt in our art workshop with Olivia to create his own canvas - such lovely colours.
Jenna has completed one of the tasks and written her book in a different genre.
Emily's carefully sculpted her clay animal.
Dylan has researched all about the woolly mammoth.
Great work all of you and thank you so much for your feedback - we both really enjoy seeing and reading about it in your emails.
'The Explorer', Katherine Rundell, published by Bloomsbury
I hope you've seen my 'Update video' on the video resource centre page and discovered where to find the new videos of the story... (You Tube!) I've sent your parents an email to explain and then all the links to the new videos will be sent in a link to them. Hope you continue to enjoy it.
Feedback from you!
Thank you for all the lovely emails, it's great to hear how you're getting on. Anna's sunflower has started to germinate which is exciting - we've put a photo below, Ruby has been enjoying doing her science experiments and keeping up her gymnastic challenges and Nathan looks to have been very busy both in the garden and the kitchen! Well done everyone!
Hertingfordbury Cowper Primary School
Year 6 Home Learning – Week 2
How has your first week of home learning been? It has been very different for everyone and it will take time to get used to families working at home together and sharing lap tops etc.
We have added in some more resources for you. Do remember that our first set of home learning did include many web sites to which you can keep returning for more activities.
If you haven’t done so yet, do visit the video resources on the class page where you will see videos from Mrs Richards, Mrs Hemmens and myself.
Choir members
The suggestions in the table are in addition to our first week’s suggestions
English |
Carry on with all the activities from last week’s English section. If you want to, and you have permission from your Mum, Dad or whoever is looking after you, why not send some of your writing to our class email poplar@hertingfordbury.herts.sch.uk and I can have a read. I won’t be able to reply I’m afraid, but you never know, I might be able to put some onto our class webpage.
I hope you’re listening to our class book, ‘The Explorer’ on the video resource centre – I hope you’re enjoying it? Next week I’ll pop some activities relating to it on this home learning section so this week, think through the different characters, predict what might happen, think about what the setting is like – can you draw where you think they are and what it looks like? Perhaps take a photo of these and send them on the email. I wonder how close you are to the text!
Daily Challenge - see if you can write a daily newspaper article. Use the small things that are happening in your house (meal times, PE with Joe, other activities, games, etc) and each day write one of them as a newspaper report. Remember all the features of a newspaper report that we learnt (heading, introductory paragraph - who, what, where, when, chronological paragraphs, passive verb, quotations - direct speech and reported speech, embedded caluses) and remember to take you out of it and to write in third person. I wonder what your newspaper will be called?
Mathematics |
TTRS – Keep practising the times tables to keep up to speed. Challenge other children in your class.
CGP Big Book – I’ll be choosing a section at a time to keep skills ‘on the boil’. Standard - Make sure you have completed all Fractions, Decimals and Percentages p29-41 from previous weeks if you have been absent. Number Sequences – p52. Have you completed p48 – 51? Time and Money – p57 – 59. New work for this week: Area and Perimeter p60-63
Stretch - Make sure you have completed all Fractions, Decimals and Percentages p29 – 41 from previous weeks if you have been absent. Number Sequences – p52. Have you completed p48 – 51? Time and Money – p57 - 59 New work for this week: Area and Perimeter p60-63
10 Minute Test Book I did suggest trying to do 2 of these each week; so this week you should be doing Set B Test 3 and Test 4. Don’t forget the puzzle tasks would also be good to do.
Web sites which you may find useful and Other Maths activities are on the first Home Learning post.
Easter maths problems from HfL The guidance sheet for this is on our curriculum page.
White Rose Home Learning Maths lessons. White Rose have put a lesson online per day for each year group. https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-6/ Last week was their ‘Week 1’ and there are lessons on ratio which is exactly what we were doing before we finished school .The activity questions are good to do – they start off easy and get a little harder. The second week will be a revision of angles for you. Don’t worry if you don’t have a protractor, most can be done without.
Science Nature Library and How the Camel got it’s Hump |
Refer to Week 1 to see a collection of science activities.
Also Mrs Bennett has put an additional science page on the web site. The STEM collection is sure to contain something you can challenge yourself with. Why not try the Animal Adaptions Number 7 – Migration. There is a template for making a glider and then a challenge to do several test runs , recording the distance and then adapt the plane for longer flights. https://www.stem.org.uk/system/files/elibrary-resources/2020/01/Animal%20Adaptations.pdf
Sunflower - Which will grow the tallest? Have you planted your sunflower? My seeds are in the pot, in the greenhouse. I expect it may be 2 weeks before I see anything. It’s exciting to think that we may all be doing this together. Just to remind you:
Clay Animals – what a pity that we didn’t get to model the animals out of clay after all the planning you did. Hopefully we might get to do this but if you do have some modelling clay at home please have a go and save a picture for us to see. A couple of extra activities would be
Topic – Environmental |
In the first week’s home learning we suggested looking at different biomes using the WWF web site. This you can take a look at different animals in their top 10 facts about… series.
Animals- https://www.wwf.org.uk/learn/fascinating-facts/marine-turtles https://www.wwf.org.uk/learn/fascinating-facts/sharks https://www.wwf.org.uk/learn/fascinating-facts/dolphins
Art Link: Having followed the links, you could do a piece of art work using paint, collage, crayons, whatever resource you have and write your favourite facts alongside. Or you could produce a top 10 facts of different animal.
French |
Language Angels –The log ins for this web site and the instructions have been sent home. There are now more games and activities on the web site. Some will be of topics which you did in year 5. There are also some for topics which we haven’t yet done in year 6. Try the Le weekend and L’école sections this week.
BBC Bitesize KS2 – There are several French clips which will reinforce and extend the children’s language learning - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z39d7ty
French Recipes – I’m working on the link
PE/Games |
Fitter Future – Each child has an individual log to use which gives access to exercise routines which may be all the family can join in.
Herts and Ware Partnership link. You will definitely enjoy the ideas on this link. https://sites.google.com/view/hwsspc19/home
There are challenges, skills and outdoor activities. One of the outdoor activities is to make an obstacle course in your garden. Everyone in your family can join in!
RE and PSHE |
The Easter Story Choose one of the 4 gospels and read the Easter Story in your bible.
Matthew: Chapter 26-28 Mark: Chapter 14-16 Luke: Chapter 22-24 John: Chapter 18-20
Reading together
Please see this link (Children>Video Resource Centre>Poplar) for videos of Mrs Hemmens reading our Year 6 Class Book!
Have a look at the front cover and spend some time 'Booktalking' it before you listen to it.
Hertingfordbury Cowper Primary School
Year 6 Home Learning
We hope that the suggestions and links for learning and research which we have included here can form part of a daily time of a home learning routine which will reinforce what you have studied in school and also what you will continue to study when we return.
We have made suggestions for daily focus and those of a more on going kind. We do suggest that setting a good routine will be most beneficial; as will time spent together with other members of the family to further knowledge and understanding. It is our intention that we will add to the suggestions on a regular basis, as we are able to do so.
This table gives the general and on-going focus for each subject.
English |
Reading –
Curl up with a book and enjoy your reading; read three or four half hour chunks each week, more if you can.
Library – if you haven’t got many books at home, if you’re a member of the library use the library app, it’s an excellent service and HCC and a great range of older children’s books that you can download, as we looked at together in class. https://www.hertfordshire.gov.uk/services/Libraries-and-archives/Books-and-reading/Books-and-reference.aspx all you need is your library card, but have your parent/carer with you to give you permission and to help you log on.
Have a range of genres to read – always have a novel on the go (adventure, fantasy, historical, sci-fi) as well as reading some news articles, try Newsround. https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround
Reading & Writing activities – Write about a character from your novel – you could create a factfile, character profile, drawing of them showing all the different features you’ve read about.
Draw a map of the setting of your novel, or a place described; keep referring to the text to ensure that you have clearly read it and are creating an accurate map.
Create a book review for your friends to help them know which books to choose, remember to include the characters, themes, comments on vocabulary, plot, etc, but don’t ruin the end for them and tell them the story!
Write an additional chapter for the novel.
Write the novel in a different genre, e.g., turn a graphic novel into a normal prose, write it as a poem, a cartoon, a new report, etc. Make a list of questions about a particular character or aspect of the book to discuss with others who have read it.
Draw a timeline of events in the book
Write a new blurb or illustration for a book of your choice.
Write a letter (or design and write a postcard) to a relative.
Write a newspaper account of something you have read about.
Use your CGP 10 Minute Books – one or two Reading tasks Grammar and Punctuation task a week, also have a go at the spelling activities
Use your Spelling Journals to practise all the spelling patterns, using the sheets and activities stuck in from previous weeks.
Mathematics |
TTRS – The children have their TT Rock Stars log ins. They should use this resource several times a week to practice their times tables. It is really important that they keep up to speed.
CGP Big Book – The children have work set for this week’s homework. I suggest they follow the pages set below in subsequent weeks. Standard - Make sure you have completed all Fractions, Decimals and Percentages p29-41 from previous weeks if you have been absent. Number Sequences – p52. Have you completed p48 – 51? Time and Money – p57 - 59 Stretch - Make sure you have completed all Fractions, Decimals and Percentages p29 – 41 from previous weeks if you have been absent. Number Sequences – p52. Have you completed p48 – 51? Time and Money – p57 - 59
10 Minute Test Book I suggest trying to do 2 of these each week. The puzzle tasks would also be good to do.
Web sites which you may find useful
Other Maths activities
Collect data from 2 packets or 2 places and compare.
Easter maths problems from HfL The guidance sheet for this is on our curriculum page.
Science Nature Library and How the Camel got it’s Hump |
Science Evening Experiments – The science experiments which the staff prepared at the recent Food and Drink evening are on the web site for you to try.
Classifying Unusual Animals – The Platypus. The guidance sheet for this is on PDF underneath
Extinction – The Woolly Mammoth - The guidance sheet for this is on PDF underneath
Geography and Science - Go on National Geographic Kids for geography and science information, games and ideas - www.natgeokids.com/uk/category/discover/
Geography, Science and D & T – This BP web site has resources for activities and learning on all primary and secondary science topics. It covers some geography and design and technology too. You can find ideas that interest you for mini projects and learning which connects with our year 6 curriculum. https://bpes.bp.com/resources/list?ageGroup[]=3
Try the 30 day Lego Challenge https://mk0freehomescho2g81n.kinstacdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/Lego30daychallenge.pdf
Sunflower - Which will grow the tallest?
Topic – Environmental |
How our world works. These videos have been put together by WWF for primary school use. https://www.ourplanet.com/en/video/how-the-wild-world-works/ - This is a short film explaining the biomes (What a wonderful world topic) , making the link between the diversity of the biomes and how we can preserve them. This would be a really good few minutes to spend together as a family watching and then discussing and questioning afterwards.
Biome Tours – https://www.ourplanet.com/en/video/biome-tour-of-our-frozen-worlds/ https://www.ourplanet.com/en/video/biome-tour-of-our-coastal-seas/ https://www.ourplanet.com/en/video/biome-tour-of-our-freshwater/ https://www.ourplanet.com/en/video/biome-tour-of-our-grasslands/ https://www.ourplanet.com/en/video/biome-tour-of-our-forests/ https://www.ourplanet.com/en/video/biome-tour-of-our-jungles/
Art Link: Having watched a video, children may produce a piece of artwork – collage, painting, drawing, of the natural world in that particular environment. In future work we will focus on other environmental topics.
French |
Language Angels –The log ins for this web site and the instructions have been sent home this week. At the moment there are foundation games available. We hope to add to these in due course. Our work this year so far has included:
BBC Bitesize KS2 – There are several French clips which will reinforce and extend the children’s language learning - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/subjects/z39d7ty
PE/Games |
Fitter Future – Each child has an individual log to use which gives access to exercise routines which may be all the family can join in.
PE with Joe Wickes - 9-9.30 every morning, this is the perfect way to start every week day morning -https://www.thebodycoach.com/blog/pe-with-joe-1254.html
RE and PSHE |
Sunflowers – (see science section) Each day, as we look after our sunflowers, let us try to remember the rest of our class and pray for each other.
Use your Bibles to read the Easter story, refer to your Easter rings to help you with the Bible references. Can you find the story in all four Gospels – Matthew, Mark, Luke, John. Draw a timeline of the Easter week. |
Additional ideas |
Documents referred to in the Home Learning section
Year 6's Art Workshop
Year 6 enjoyed a day of art with visiting artist, Olivia Allen. She brought with her many of her acrylic paintings on canvas, especially ones of flowers which linked with our science learning. The children learnt how to paint the background and then once it was dried, carefully draw and paint their flower, learning about the different textures, tones and mixing of colours as they progressed. It was a real challenge and we needed to employ our true growth mind sets, but by the end of the day we were all delighted with our results and had learnt a great deal.
The finished artwork
The process
Life Bus Visit – Decisions 11/2/2020
We joined Ellie on the Life Bus for a PSHE session which was focused on decision making. The discussions included influences which can affect us whether from our peers, social media or other sources. Part of the session was watching a film clip about Jack and his ‘friends’ in which he was put under pressure to drink when friends came round to his house. He made the right decision not to do that.
We were able to brainstorm what elements are important in healthy relationships.
We will revisit these topics in PSHE next term.
Learning about Natural Selection
We've been learning about Natural Selection through a beak investigation: we were all given 'beaks' and had to pick up our food in a certain time in order to survive the generation. Many other factors came into play. Some of us managed to adapt, others of us died out and became extinct!
Enjoying our themed Reading Hub
Why do living things vary?
This was the question we asked in our science lesson but we began by playing a game and creating our own species between us. There was a great deal of variety!
This led onto us thinking about why there is the variety in the species we see around us, even our pet dogs. After much discussion we decided that we are all varied due to two things: inheritance and environmental factors.
We have made an exciting start to our new science topics; evolution and classification, under the theme of 'How the camel got its hump'. The children were fascinated to learn about the island of Borneo, watching extracts from the BBC Earth's Tropical Islands programme which enabled us to start to explore the amazing number of species of animals there are on the island and also how the landscape and environment have led to the evolution of the animals which call it home.
They also began to focus their thoughts on some environmental issues.
Ebo's thoughts as he looked across the city of Agadez
Our 3D map based on Ebo's journey from the book "Illegal"
When do you feel most alive?
We've been reading Alastair Humphrey's book, "The Boy who Biked the World" and looking at his website at the adventures he has enjoyed. We read his nine reasons why he goes on adventures and focussed particularly on number 9 - because he feels alive! We then read Steinbeck's description and used it to inspire us -
“Sometimes a kind of glory lights up the mind of a man. It happens to nearly everyone. You can feel it growing or preparing like a fuse burning toward dynamite. It is a feeling in the stomach, a delight of the nerves, of the forearms. The skin tastes the air, and every deep-drawn breath is sweet. Its beginning has the pleasure of a great stretching yawn; it flashes in the brain and the whole world glows outside your eyes. A man may have lived all his life in the gray, and the land and trees of him dark and somber. The events, even the important ones, may have trooped by faceless and pale. And then—the glory—so that a cricket song sweetens the ears, the smell of the earth rises chanting to his nose, and dappling light under a tree blesses his eyes. Then a man pours outward, a torrent of him, and yet he is not diminished…”
Read when we feel most alive!
"Where the Poppies now Grow" - A week of Remembrance
After reading the poem, “In Flanders Fields” Year 6 wrote their own versions. They then researched the lives of soldiers and the letters they wrote home as well as the letters the soldiers received; they wrote their own in a similar style.
Our new topic - What a Wonderful World!
Harvest Workshops at St Mary's Hertingfordbury
Year 6 walked to church to take part in the Harvest Workshops. There were 5 stations each of which focused on aspects of God's goodness to us which we can harvest in different ways; from the sea, the fields, our gardens. Each station had lots of resources which helped the children to realise what bounty God has given to us which we use each day; for example wheat in bread, pasta,cakes and, vegetables and clay, which can be made in to different pots, from the land.
Awesome and Ancient - welcome to Year 6!
Our new reading hub - The highwayman
Welcome to the Tudors - watch your head as you enter!
Summer Term
Creation and Science - Conflicting or Complementary
In RE we have been studying the story of Creation in the first chapter of the book of Genesis. The artwork captures the images in the children's minds of the stages of Creation that are depicted.
This week we have enjoyed a challenging discussion about the science behind the Big Bang Theory and the development of living things in evolution.
Creation Artwork
We have been studying 'The Savage' written by David Almond and illustrated by Dave McKean. Today we wrote our own descriptions of him using Anthony Horowitz's description of Matt Freeman as our inspiration.
He was crouched on the remains of a dilapidated chapel, long, muscular arms draped over his knees, unmoving. Ravens whirled overhead in the dusky sky, shrieking, and even then he did not flinch. The Savage's trousers hung off his skeletal frame in bags, and his torso - scratched and scarred from years of living in the wilderness - was bare. Behind him, a rat struggled out from its burrow before scampering rapidly away into the gloom. Then, it began to rain. Icy droplets streaked down his back, and through his matted hair, which had been left to run wild. Foreboding storm clouds grumbled and rolled across the moon, causing shadows to stretch across his definite jaw.
A footstep crunched nearby. The Savage glanced up briefly. Nobody came. Good. It was better that way.
Written by Martha
He was alone. No one else. Just him.
The sun was setting in Burgess Woods, it was still early evening but no on e was out. Savage crouched on top of a rock lost in thoughts. He had a strange sense of fashion, dog and rabbit skin for trousers, no T-shirt and bare foot. Around him was close to silent, only the odd bird whistling and the deer scampering past. His tangled, murky brown hair hiding his face from reality.
Orange, yellow and red light was stalking its way after Savage. The gentle wind, making trees rustle, cooled Savage down which made him feel calm. Even though the forest dared people to come in, no one came. Savage liked it that way.
Written by Isabella
A slight movement in the oak tree, his back ached yet still ne maintained his position. The chilling wind climbed through pieces of his damp black hair.
Gradually the noise began to build, the shouts and screams of the bushes as a peaceful ant scuttled over the roots. The communication between the birds of the forest filled the air and travelled through the valley over to him.
Still sitting, back aching, eyes staring, the deep pool of blue darkness flickered as he blinked. A sharp scream filled the air; his head slowly lifted.
Written by Charlotte
He was not known. No one alive had seen him. He occupied the stone pillar with no socks or T shirt, only a ripped pair of trousers and his dirt full hair to shield him from the weather. Scratches covered his body. His hands steadied him as he crouched.
The bony trees waved to the clouds, the think light licked through. The wind blew down the concourse, bats howled. A bug crawled up to the boy, he swept it to the side with his long claw-like fingers. His hunched shoulders carried his muscular arms, his knife limply hung down from his hip.
He thought about how he used to try and be solitary but now all he wanted was a friend. He wanted to know what having fun was like, how to be good, and most of all, how to act human. He was the Savage.
Written by Toby
the dimming sun had dropped down to the bottom of the sky and the glowing fireflies gently hummed, their voices stolen away by the wind. The old chapel was falling asleep - almost - the Savage was lonely. Water trickled down his face as he stifled a small breath, he was perched on top of his favourite rock - waiting.
He kept still, following a small hole with his eyes. The trees whispered behind his back, sharing their secrets. the rock crumbled away, but he didn't care. A few miles away children were being safely tucked away into their comfy beds - not knowing who was out there.
Written by Jamie
He had dark jet black hair which waved in the air as the wind passed by; his brown- almost black - eyes glanced as he gazed at the dead pieces of grass swaying in the wind. Looking into his eyes was the same as if you were looking into the universe. He had rough shoulders that were as solid as the strongest rocks you could ever find. His crouch was intimidating, like his personality.
Written by Chika
As the Savage sat there, with his worn dog-skin and ragged trousers, he watched rabbit sun; he remembered the boy who had drawn him. The grass swayed in the cold wind as he rested in the old church ruins. Trees stood bent away from the Savage. though motionless, he still appeared a threat.
He heard a bird in the distance and sighed a long thoughtful sigh as if remembering a beautiful more loving earth. Just then a bee hovered under the Savage's rough green hands. He had elongated arms and a wolf-like face, while the skin on his feet was as hard as hooves.
Written by Thomas
He was crouched upon a rock with the cool breeze of the seven o'clock wind rushing through his hair. He had teeth like a wolf and feet like a dog and carried a knife in the back-pocket of his ripped and faded trousers. He had just run - run for miles and miles on end, away from the fears of the town.
The Savage was glad to be away from the commotion of the village - he'd never fit in - how could he - he was a Savage. A small beetle crept up onto his finger, up his grubby arm and onto his neck. he twitched his neck and the beetle fell down to the rock and scuttled off. The Savage had an uncovered top half and bare feet - he wore chicken feathers in his hair and had deep green eyes with brown streaks.
Down in the village torches lit and hid the stars from the night. Songs played all night and the Savage ran deeper and deeper into the forest. Beer glasses clinked and men became unaware and careless of the children - they ran and didn't come back.
The Savage was one of those children.
Written by Lois
There he was, squatting low and looking down at the ground. His thick messy hair sat as a curtain around his face almost making his eyes unnoticeable. His long arms hung, resting on his knees, stopping his think fingers touch the brick below.
The ripped frayed trousers that could barely sit around his waist were the only clothes he wore. Shivering, his goose bumps peeked through the holes. Crowds of boys and girls laughing whilst walking to the park, were catching his fierce wide eyes. Street lamps started to flicker over Savage, making him more noticeable - he started to get more shy.
Written By Florrie
He sat staring at the ground with no conscience of what he was or if he was real. he sat there with his bloodstained trousers, bare feet and no shirt. He was nothing in the real world. He wasn't real. All he thought of was his next meal. An ant had crawled up to him, without thinking he demolished it with his thumb like a sledge hammer to a plank of wood.
Written by Oliver
He squatted, watching the shadows creep towards him, but still he was on his haunches, unflinching. The sky, shot with orange light, was darkening steadily. A wolf howled in the depths of the derelict chapel, calling to its brethren. Still the Savage waited.
On the plinth he crouched, tracing his finger across the rough surface of the cracked marble, thinking about his parents. He remembered soft hands, a warm voice, then a terrible scream. A deer slinked into the clearing, cast its soft, cocoa-coloured eyes on him and trotted swiftly away. Still he sat, motionless. He wasn't hungry. Yet.
His long, spindly fingers were placed beside him, gorilla-like arms stiff at his sides. He wore only a ripped pair of trousers, hanging off his frame. his raven black hair was wild - a bush-like texture with bits of leaves and twigs stuck in the many tangles and knots. he thought more. What was his name?
Written by Amelie
Such a great assembly year 6!
It was a real privilege to see you share your learning with parents and the rest of the school; well done - a fantastic presentation and an excellent dance to end.
It was fun to share some of our stop motion movies for everyone to see - we've now put them here on our class page to be enjoyed!
Just soEvieErin.mp4
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/a8bff4ba6e524cc6a4a27ec35491e3e4/just-soevieerin_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/865d9bae33594baabf85b29ed842c2fb/justsostorybymiaandpeter_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/fa8660b5822b4002940fa04742f2e934/justsoruvaandtoby_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/8bf00b6e66024b309e1c478a5c9a3171/justsostorybyflorrieandbet_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/791756fdede1405ba7c032d71b504566/justsothomasandjosh_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/229bde6cd7e9494eaf52b1d2e447b167/justsostoryjessicasasha_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/aa4db4ef65834f549fec8e31409c75f8/justsostorycharlotteoisabel_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/8697c908dc564a4aa351a9ebbd452de2/justsostorybyharryandkaja_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/1f4502dcbb2b4c57b4941a9b938b0f1f/justsomarthaisabella_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/7ccda15c9ff34bb7a61dc12287d783aa/justsojamieandoliver_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/210d742bbb5e433ea21eb6582d6f1803/justsoimogenmandcharlottes_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/f2772a5835284fef9a2e5b6873cb2e85/justsochikaandisabelw_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/847545b634aa497dae3c4413c5e22bdc/justsobyimogenbandpoppy_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/2d09b05768334c688f5c3e82e2800d8e/justsoameliejessl_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/62d8a3b022ea43e7abe4524a86b3862c/justsoaliceandlois_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
Y6Gymnastics for website.mp4
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/28c2cf00fb7b48569cff8c9270925efe/y6gymnastics-for-website_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
Looking forward...
to sharing our learning with you tomorrow at our class assembly (Friday 15th March 2.40pm)
The Cactus Challenge
We've set ourselves a challenge to see if we can demonstrate that a cactus has adapted to a hot desert environment and therefore soaks up water. We're measuring and recording the circumference, angles of the pleats and the height of our little cacti while we water it over the next week or two. We're having to be very careful of the spikes though!
Topic - adaptations of a cactus
Learning how to make a movie
![Still image for this video](http://primarysite-prod-sorted.s3.amazonaws.com/hertingfordbury-cowper-primary-school/UploadedVideo/a770467cc93849bf84a4f8e0e3e64962/y6imovie_zencoder/thumbs/frame_0000.png)
Big Bang Event at St Joseph's in the Park
Poplar class were thrilled to be invited to join other schools at St. Joseph's on Tuesday morning to participate in a Big Bang event. There will be photographs to share with you to come later as the event was covered by a single photographer.
The children took part in several workshops varying in focus from looking at 3D printers and simulating the way they worked by layer icing on biscuits which they could eat afterwards, to making their own environmentally friendly soap having discussed the devastation caused by our present over use of plastic in household goods.
Everyone really enjoyed the activities and I am hoping had lots to share with you when they came home.
Writing in the style of Rudyard Kipling
We have been enjoying studying Kipling's writing, especially his Just So Stories which he originally wrote for his five year old daughter Effie. After analysing his stories - looking at the language and structure - we were given the challenge to emulate his style and create our own Just So Story; we suggest you read them out loud - just as Kipling would have suggested!
Art or Science?
We've been looking at Darwin's observational drawings and paintings and then creating observational sketches of our own...while asking the question, when is art, science?
Our Reading Hub
Learning about Mary Anning's life and her impact on science
Spring Term 2018
Discovering Pin Hole Cameras
We're enjoying our novel, "The Boy who Biked the World"
Diversity and Equality
As part of our PSHE topic we have discussed ways in which people can be different; from this we have produced some art work.
Light Up Your World
We began our new science topic today with a knowledge harvest to see what knowledge we have. From this we were able to decide what questions we would like to answer in our learning this half term.
The photographs show our investigations in to what happens when we use a light source and a puppet to make a shadow.
A Week of Remembering...
We have spent a week remembering and pausing to reflect on the centenary of the end of World War One. Beginning with the inspirational book, "Where the Poppies Now Grow", we have thought about the poppy and its significance to the war; we then moved onto studying the beautiful poem, "In Flanders Fields" and finally read some letters written by soldiers on the front line and their families back at home.
Using these as our inspiration, we have written our own poetry and letters.
In Flanders fields where those asleep lay
Trampled by those who live to fight another day
Those screaming for their Mums
Were the ones who were hit by the guns.
We must pass our lives over to those brave soldiers
Who will lift up the torch
Those who will help us win this war
Before they find they're knocking on death's door.
We can only do one thing - wait.
Written by Jamie
In Flanders fields the poppies grow, from
Seed to plant, from row to row.
The sleeping bodies buried with hasty hands, now rest with
Peace under a new life, a symbol.
When the torch is passed down from old to young
And the responsibility of war is shifted, it seems so
Hopeless, until the poppies grew in Flanders fields.
On the hills and in the swamps, wherever you choose
They sprout from earth, torn and blown shifted and burnt,
They come to encourage.
And now, with victories under our belts, we charge towards
Victory, inspired by the poppies.
The poppies in Flanders fields.
Written by Thomas
In Flanders fields poppies will grow,
Beyond the darkness, light will glow.
When all is lost, though it seems,
Poppies will come and the sun will gleam.
We are the dead.
But never fear, I will always be there,
I will throw you the torch, stand really near
Hold it high and the wind will blow,
in Flanders fields the poppies will grow.
Written by Isabel
In Flanders fields the eternal lake of poppies flow,
They flow through the crosses row by row,
We rest underneath abundant scarlet,
Knowing that once we saw the sunrise glow.
We were the brave. But now we are the dead.
We fought for our country fearful and ahead;
We knew that one day we would lie here,
But it came too soon in Flanders fields.
One day we'll win this war, but
Many have come upon death's door
Many have lost their life by bombs
And guns filling them with strife.
But once you lay in Flanders fields
The poppies who heal your wounds
And end your life in peace.
Written by Alice
In Flanders fields the poppies grow
It is a vast sea of poppies
Reaching upwards, an explosion of scarlet
Growing in a brown sludge between the naked skeletal trees.
We are the dead!
We only lived a couple of short days ago.
We heard the shot of the guns,
We had friends and family,
We gave our lives for those we loved and were loved by.
The blood of the poppies now grow.
Their graceful petals swaying in the misty wind.
Hold up the torch high and light will come,
I will be yours to hold high.
The poppies will grow in Flanders fields.
By Isabel
In Flanders fields the soldiers fight,
Guns down, what a horrible sight
We lay down by the skeletal trees
People got on their hands and knees ,
And plead.
We were the warriors. Lying dead on the battle field
Under the decaying soil-like shield,
Where the poppies now grow,
In Flanders fields.
Written by Evie
Our new Reading Hub - What a Wonderful World!
Autumn Term 2, 2018
An Extra Challenge!
Martha has been working hard interviewing teachers and children from all years in order to write a half-termly report about the learning in the school. It's a super report Martha; thank you for sharing it with us all.
Year 6 have been reading and enjoying 'Holes' by Louis Sachar. At times we've been on the edge of our seats with suspense! It was at one of these moments that we all imagined we were Stanley, the main character, who was stuck in a hole on top of a nest of yellow spotted lizards. I wonder what you would be thinking if that was you; perhaps you would escape the reality of the situation with happy memories.
Read through Amelie and Jessica's interpretation of Stanley's thoughts.
Investigating switches
Learning about electrical resistance by pretending to be electrons
All Wired Up! - Science
In our science we have been learning all about electricity and making electrical circuits. We began with many questions - things that we wanted to find out about electricity. We have learnt about the flow of electricity, circuit diagrams and how to draw the symbols, different types of switches and why they might be used and how to increase and decrease the resistance and what effect this has on the components.
Autumn Term 1, 2018
Academic Year 2018-2019
Watercolour paintings
Year 6 have been writing short stories that contain an element of surprise; we hope you enjoy these
Cultural Day - Japan!
文化の日 - 日本
We have enjoyed learning about Japan on our whole school cultural day: discovering how to use chopsticks, learning about Japanese school, the geography, economy, manufacturing and food, amongst other subjects. Mrs Hemmens and Ms Meagher looked lovely in their kimonos (!) while the class all wore red and white like the country's flag. In addition, we learnt about the beautiful spring blossoms and painted them with watercolours. We have each taken a translation of our name home to practise.
Researching all about Japan
Who can move the greatest number of sweets, using chopsticks, in a minute?
Japanese blossom paintings
Enjoying being outside for our Shakespeare days
Learning about Iambic Pentameter by listening to our heartbeats and copying the pattern
Sharing Shakespearean compliments and insults in Iambic Pentameter
Body Pump
In science we are looking at how our heart works and why; we began by role playing the blood!
Model hearts
Be very scared...our new Reading Hub - The Highwayman!
Writing as a response to our R.E. and Science learning
A Biography of Charles Darwin
Sam's research project
Sam enjoyed the challenge of an additional research project about birds which he presented to the class; it was a fantastic presentation and he taught us all a great deal! Please have a look at his power point; we thoroughly recommend it!
Nature Library
As part of our science learning about classification and the characteristics of all living things, Mrs Bayliss, a Biology teacher from Richard Hale, came in to help us to explore micro-organisms. We investigated the growth of these organisms which we found in various places in the classroom. We also investigated which hand cleaner was the most effective against bacteria. The final investigation was our experiment to grow yeast at different temperatures.
Creation and Faith - conflicting or complementing?
This is a question we've been asking in our topic, 'How the Camel got its Hump'; it's been part of our Science and RE learning and we've grappled with what it means to be human in our English lessons as well as we've been studying the novel, 'The Savage'. Big questions for year 6!
As we've looked at these issues we've thought about how we're made in the image of God and how we're all unique and yet we've put that alongside the theories of Cosmology and Evolution. This was our artistic response.
Did you work out who was who?!
What an amazing experience at the Royal Albert Hall!
Sunday 11th March saw twenty year 6 children, plus teachers and parents, take the coach up to the Royal Albert Hall for the Hertfordshire Music Gala. After a great deal of hard work learning the lyrics and practising the songs, we were able to give of our best and be part of something that was truly incredible.
Year 6 - I was so proud of you, you were a credit to the school. It was a "memory making" day that I was thrilled to share with you.
It'a a new term and a new topic...
"How the Camel got its Hump"
We are really enjoying connecting our Science, English, RE and Art learning in this new topic; do look at our curriculum overview to see all that we are learning.
Below is our new look Reading Hub - we feel we have out grown a "Reading Corner"!
The Launch Day provided exciting opportunities to learn about the conservation status of various species, playing Conservation Bingo and then creating masks of a number of different animals at various stages on the conservation scale.
Our new "Wonderful World" book corner
Visit by Tim Prendergast - Para- Olympian
We were privileged today as the Gold medal Olympic runner came to talk to the school in assembly and also to do a workshop with both Year 6 and Year 4. In year 6 he talked to us about believing in yourself, how important it is to work as a team and ways to cope with nervousness or stress.
Home learning for The Mayans
Creating Mayan Food
Wired up - discovering all about electricity